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Archives par auteur iclan
Le dimanche 17 juin 2018 a été particulièrement chargé d’énergie et d’anticipation. Etudiants de sept universités et établissements d’enseignement supérieur, à savoir, la Faculté de génie industriel (Université de Douala), ISEM-IBCG Akwa-Douala, «Institut Universitaire de la Côte», Logbessou-Douala, «Institut Universitaire du Golfe», Akwa -Douala, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Université de Douala, Collège de Technologie, Université […]
Sur les 160 jeunes entreprises en compétition en Afrique, Innovative Clan est l’une des dix startups dont les projets ont particulièrement retenu l’attention du jury du Daikin – Samurai Incubate Ideathon Airtech Bootcamp Africa. Finalistes au concours qui vient de se tenir. à Naïrobi au Kenya. I-Clan est incubé depuis 2018 par MTN Cameroun, une […]
La première édition du Hacktone de Kribi s’est achevée le 27 mars 2021. La compétition organisée par le Port Autonome de Kribi (PAK) a récompensé les trois meilleurs projets sur les 10 finalistes. Innovative Clan remporte la compétition ainsi qu’un chèque d’un million FCFA. Entreprise du secteur des technologies au Cameroun, elle développe des produits […]
It is with the aim of having transparency and traceability of financial entries in high schools that the Minister of Secondary Education signed an agreement with companies operating in the field of financial transaction on Friday, June 01 2018. From now on, it will no longer be a question of traveling to pay the fees […]
Given the rise of mobile money in AFrica and visa payments, customers are becoming more acquainted with these means of payment. To therefore bridge this gap for our merchants, it is now possible for customers to pay via mobile money, any visa card of their choice. Our solution is now a universal solution as there […]
Given the huge interests of Africans on social media, we have decided to meet them at their comfort zone while making the purchase of goods and services amazing for them. Through our solution, it is now possible for everyone to buy by chating with a bot. This is a huge innovation that renders the payment […]
Given the low internet penetration in Africa, we have an online and USSD-based solution that permits customers to pay for goods and servies no matter the location they find themselves. In this way, every African will now have the right to shop and pay via its local payment method with ease.
Minesecpay is a central platform enabling the remote payments of Tuition and Examinations fee by parents, students and school administrators. Currently used by all public secondary schools in Cameroon and accepts payments for all examinations under the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board. Minesecpay accepts all local means of payment (From MTN Mobile Money, Orange […]