- Lack of a central platform to enable remote collection of tuition fees
- Lack of a platform to enable payment of examination fees
- Lack of traceablity of payments
- Lack of a centralized system of accepting all local means of payment
Minesecpay is a central platform enabling the remote payments of Tuition and Examinations fee by parents, students and school administrators. Currently used by all public secondary schools in Cameroon and accepts payments for all examinations under the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board. Minesecpay accepts all local means of payment (From MTN Mobile Money, Orange Money and Express Union Mobile) and uses less data. Visit the platform to check your status, confirm your payment, download your payment receipt and more.

Key Information
- Minesecpay accepts all local means of payment.
- Enables the collection of tuition and examination fees.
- Provides visibilty and tracebility of all payments made by users of the system.
- Prevents double payment.
- Consumes less internet and available in poor internet areas.
- Successfully operating in all schools since September 2019
- More than 37,500 transactions done on the application
- More than 800,000 USD payments collected in 4 months
- Zero double or untracked payment.