Introducing UNIVPAY: Simplifying Payments for Higher Education

UNIVPAY is designed to revolutionize the way universities and vocational schools handle financial transactions. Just like, UNIVPAY offers a seamless, digital payment platform that ensures quick and secure tuition payments from anywhere, whether online or through USSD for those without internet access.

With UNIVPAY, students and parents can avoid long queues and extensive paperwork, receiving instant receipts for every transaction. Universities  benefit from a comprehensive reporting dashboard that updates in real-time, allowing for efficient financial management. Proprietors managing multiple institutions can access consolidated reports, making it easier to oversee finances across campuses.

Moreover, UNIVPAY can be configured to accommodate all types of dues collected by universities, including medical fees, faculty dues, and more, providing a comprehensive solution for all financial needs.

Experience hassle-free payments and streamlined administration with UNIVPAY, enhancing the educational journey for both students and administrators. Sign up today and transform your institution’s financial management!

Pay Universities with easy


USSD and Web synchronized


Pay Dues with Ease

Be Your Boss


Universities and vocational schools face significant challenges in managing financial transactions. Traditional methods, characterized by long lines, excessive paperwork, and manual processing, result in errors, inefficiencies, and delays. Handling diverse dues, such as tuition, medical fees, and faculty charges, further complicates administration, leading to frustration and a lack of transparency.

UNIVPAY streamlines financial transactions for universities and vocational schools, eliminating long lines and reducing paperwork. It efficiently manages diverse dues like tuition, medical fees, and faculty charges, ensuring transparency and real-time tracking. Accessible via web and USSD, UNIVPAY offers a hassle-free, secure way for administrators and students to handle payments.

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