I-CLAN Winners of the Port Authority of Kribi (PAK) Hackathon 2021

The first edition of the Kribi Hackthon ended on March 27, 2021. The competition organized by the Port Authority of Kribi (PAK) awarded the three best projects out of the 10 finalists. Innovative Clan wins the competition as well as a prize of One million FCFA. A company in the technology sector in Cameroon, it develops digital products and services in the field of FinTech.

In addition to this financial support, « the first project will also benefit from three to six months of support, » announced Habib Iya, head of the commercial and marketing department of the Port Authority of Kribi.

These teams were called upon to propose software or application projects dedicated to improving the quality of service and operations at the port. Of the 140 teams that signed up from February 15 to March 7 of the current year, a first phase of selection kept 35 teams for the second phase. «The selection criteria were based on the contribution of the project in the logistics management of PAK and or its partners ». This was followed by the second phase of the competition, held on March 24. The third phase consisted of another presentation of the projects to the members of the Jury, during a ceremony organized for the occasion. The 10 teams again defended their solutions, this time before a Jury made up of logistics professionals, general managers and various port administrators, in particular Norbert Belinga, Head of Customs South 2 and Mikael Mama Awoumou, Operations Director of PAK. The objective expected at the end of this competition and of the accompanying phase that follows is to challenge the recurring issues of the port ecosystem by using computer intelligence in order to develop innovative, modern and efficient solutions to everyone, specifically to customers, partners and even to the port.

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